I on my toes waiting for Dr. Hawkins. Every Doctor that comes in I think is him. Its making my heart flutter! yuck. I know I'm going to lose it after I leave the room form seeing Misky. That is something I'm prepared for. hugh the Waiting game. Its making me crazy. I know Dr. Hawkins will do a grate job so I'm not worried about to much.
Baby Link Memory
Sometimes when a memory pops up, it's just too good to skip over. I love
this one from 2018 when Link was almost 15 months old. I love watching him
3 months ago
I couldn't stand the waiting game either.We are still praying for you
Liam is sending heart hugs to Mariska for a fast speedy recovery
Sarah and Liam hlhs
Oh, I was hoping to get up to Primary's today to support you and Sam, but Scott told me that would be really irresponsible of me since I am still coughing so much and he is right. I just feel so bad because everytime Mariska's been in the hospital. . .I have missed you guys.
Please know you guys are in my thoughts and prayers and I am glad that things went well with Mariska's surgery.
Will be checking back for updates!
Heart Hugs,
Carolyn Quigley
We are praying for you! I know it is hard but she is amazing and truly a little fighter! It is the best way to be for these heart kids! Keep us posted as much as you can!
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