We finally made the move, we ended up moving in with my parents. So now we live in Roy, Utah. Its kind of a challenge being back at my parents place but the rent is free and we can pay off some debt and get a fresh new start at life. What a blessing that will be for us.
Sam and my younger brother Tyson pretty much did all the moving, Tyson was an animal, ha ha. My mom wanted us to move in almost 2 weeks before I was planning on moving so
I was in a bit of a panic to get everything packed and find more boxes, but it did all get moved now if I can just remember where I put everything then I'll be in great shape. We got all the big stuff on a Wednesday after her peds check up, and went back for everything else that Saturday. We had Sam's parents and one of his sisters and her hubby and two girls come to help us, they where such a great help. The Girls also had a good time getting to know their newest cousin. Then my mom helped us get the apartment cleaned so we could give the keys back and officially move out.
I haven't really wanted anyone to watch Mariska because the formula we fortify with makes her so unhappy. She's ok some times, and loves to be bounced, really hard to get all the air out of her tummy. She has been doing a lot better now after a few weeks i think her tummy is starting to get used to it yahoo. She doesn't like to sleep for more then 30 min's it seems like for most of her day naps, but she is a awesome sleeper at night time, so I cant complain. My fear is that we'll have to put that tube back in her nose. That will open up a whole new world or problems, I really don't miss having to keep up upright for 30-60 min's after every feeding just to keep what she ate in her belly. Not her best days.
Sam started School on Monday, part of the motivation to go back is to avoid paying on his student loans, How wrong is that? but at least he'll be done one day sooner the later. I think he'll be going until he gets his BA so just a few more years to go, from L.A. college in LA. Hopefully this will help him to land a awesome job. He amazes me on how hard he works, I cant tell you how much I love him.

(pictures.. our Pediatrician with Mariska, and Mariska and Daddy waiting to see the doctor Alvey.)
I haven't really wanted anyone to watch Mariska because the formula we fortify with makes her so unhappy. She's ok some times, and loves to be bounced, really hard to get all the air out of her tummy. She has been doing a lot better now after a few weeks i think her tummy is starting to get used to it yahoo. She doesn't like to sleep for more then 30 min's it seems like for most of her day naps, but she is a awesome sleeper at night time, so I cant complain. My fear is that we'll have to put that tube back in her nose. That will open up a whole new world or problems, I really don't miss having to keep up upright for 30-60 min's after every feeding just to keep what she ate in her belly. Not her best days.
Sam started School on Monday, part of the motivation to go back is to avoid paying on his student loans, How wrong is that? but at least he'll be done one day sooner the later. I think he'll be going until he gets his BA so just a few more years to go, from L.A. college in LA. Hopefully this will help him to land a awesome job. He amazes me on how hard he works, I cant tell you how much I love him.

Mariska has had Two visits to our ped, Dr Alvey. I got some pictures of them, I'll add them when I get my computer back up, just as soon as I find a place for it to go, he he. The first visit was for a check up after we saw her card we had to reschedule. She weighed 9.14 so almost 10! The last ped appointment a week after that was just to watch her weight gain, She weighed 10.6 so she has put on a whole half a pound "WAY TO GO MISKY" it helped that she ate a 5oz the night before he he, that's the most she has eaten so far.
I finally got out of the house! its been a while. A friend of mine was sealed at the Timpanogas Temple down by Provo. I went to her wedding reception. We took Misky to Target and then to we reception, She did really well. I got to see lot of old friends I haven't seen for a long time, it was nice to see everyone and a few of the new babies. I was really good about not letting anything touch Misky, just hope the RSV shot really works. When we got home I layed her on the floor she just stretched and stretched and was all smiles it was funny. Then on Saturday The three of us went over to Sam's sisters Helena's house for dinner. It was fun to take her somewhere other then to see a doctor or get a shot. I feel bad for Mariska shes going to thing every time she gets put into her car seat its for something that might hurt her. I don't want her to think that, even if shes just 3 and a half months old.
My dad will be returning home soon!! he has been gone for 4 months tomorrow over helping with the war in Iraq! Hes kind sad to leave his church calling over there but at the same time is really home sick. Its going to be nice to see him again really soon. He I have been told should be back by the 13Th, so in ten days!
Time has gone by so fast.Its hard to believe Mariska has anything wrong with her some days. Her smile makes me forget everything and melt, cant wait until she can really start to giggle and laugh she's working on it but nothing comes out. Thank you to all those who follow this blog and a even bigger thank you to the ones who post a comment, the comment means the world to me, lets me know that you care and are flowing little Mariska. So keep the comments coming even if its a we just wanted to say hi.
Thank you for the kind works, wishs and all the prayers that come out way.
I finally got out of the house! its been a while. A friend of mine was sealed at the Timpanogas Temple down by Provo. I went to her wedding reception. We took Misky to Target and then to we reception, She did really well. I got to see lot of old friends I haven't seen for a long time, it was nice to see everyone and a few of the new babies. I was really good about not letting anything touch Misky, just hope the RSV shot really works. When we got home I layed her on the floor she just stretched and stretched and was all smiles it was funny. Then on Saturday The three of us went over to Sam's sisters Helena's house for dinner. It was fun to take her somewhere other then to see a doctor or get a shot. I feel bad for Mariska shes going to thing every time she gets put into her car seat its for something that might hurt her. I don't want her to think that, even if shes just 3 and a half months old.
My dad will be returning home soon!! he has been gone for 4 months tomorrow over helping with the war in Iraq! Hes kind sad to leave his church calling over there but at the same time is really home sick. Its going to be nice to see him again really soon. He I have been told should be back by the 13Th, so in ten days!
Time has gone by so fast.Its hard to believe Mariska has anything wrong with her some days. Her smile makes me forget everything and melt, cant wait until she can really start to giggle and laugh she's working on it but nothing comes out. Thank you to all those who follow this blog and a even bigger thank you to the ones who post a comment, the comment means the world to me, lets me know that you care and are flowing little Mariska. So keep the comments coming even if its a we just wanted to say hi.
Thank you for the kind works, wishs and all the prayers that come out way.
1 comment:
Sorry that I wasn't better about visiting you the last couple of months, but at least I know what you have been going through. My son and his wife had their twins and were able to bring them home the day before Christmas. Tubes are no fun. I'm only the grandma and I don't know how anyone can function with two babies plus three other kids and not go totally stir crazy. Oh, that's what grandmas are for. But these little babies bring so much joy and love into families that all the outside world can just go by. We are sad to see you move, but very happy to see Mariska is doing well. Come back and see us anytime, you are not that far away.
Love Jan Ostler and the Fairfield Ward
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