We ended up getting to the hospital really late due to traffic. After check in we got the two normal every visit chest x-rays. Mariska was not very happy about the x-rays this time.
At her check up they did the normal weight and height checks, blood pressure/heart rate, and O2/heart rate, so nothing painful. The scales from one doctors office to another is a little off. She's 25inches and 13lbs and 9oz. Doctor Williams said shes on the 6%tile. So she's tinnie tiny.
The nurse couldn't get her O2 stats above 75. She hovered around 72 with Oxygen so it was kind of weird. So had the doctor give it a try. When Dr W. came in we did her stats with out O2 the funny thing is he couldn't get them below 90!!! (she was 92) which are normal hearts range. He had us at first just put the canula on top of her nose, after he saw the numbers he was thinking that maybe she was getting air, so I turned off the tank and unplugged the tube. She went stayed their for a while then went down to 88 and stopped at 89. He said the number to hit to loose the O2 saw 80. So we no longer have the "kid around our necks that we have to buckle into a set in the car"! I was almost crying, it was such a happy moment.
We took off the canula before we left the room! For the very first time since birth she has nothing on her face!! I now have to look harder for her and Sam when they walk around I cant just follow the tube to them, hehe, but its something that its better missed then having to use every day. It was nice to feel like we had a normal healthy baby as we walked around, haha what ever that is - She is our normal and we wouldn't trade her for anything in this world. Misky we are so proud of you!
We wont go back for a check up for 3 months! that seems like such a long time.
Shes sleeping now its been a good but long morning for all of us, its hard on kids for them to miss a nap. I feel like she sleeps too much sometimes. I did some reading and its pretty close to normal so I'm just paranoid. I feel like I hardly ever get anything really done or finished even with all of her naps. haha.
I cant believe how fast shes growing, and how far we have come. We we're looking at some of her new born pictures she was so small, I forgot just how small she really was. Now we look at her and allll we see are these two enormous cheeks. Its funny.
Hope everyone has a nice day and can enjoy some of this lovely weather outside.
Melynda, Sam, and chunky cheeked Misky
Baby Link Memory
Sometimes when a memory pops up, it's just too good to skip over. I love
this one from 2018 when Link was almost 15 months old. I love watching him
3 months ago