Mariska had another ECHO today. yeah 2 in 2 months. yikes!
This one she got to stay awake for. She didn't want to lay down, but they talked her into by giving her two suckers and a stuffed toy kitty with the help of bubbles. Gotta love the things you do to get a kid to told still.
On the way to the hospital misky got car sick... yeah if you could smell us while we were there I apologize. bleh. She told the echo tech how she got sick in the car and made it stinky, or so we gathered from her half jibber jabber.
After the echo we Met with Dr. W. He said her function hasn't in proved or really even changed. Which makes him very concerned. -not something one likes to hear for anyone- so we're looking at having a Heart Cath in 6-8 weeks. To see if shes improving or not. Her heart function is not the best so after the cath they will talk as see if she still a candidate for the Fontan (3rd heart surgery) or if a Heart transplant would be better...
That's right... Transplant.. please pray this can be put off for many many more years.
Took everything I had in me to keep the worry off my face. Its to early now to say whats to really come but what ever it is will come. Mariska's O2 stats were the highest they have been for a year! a beautiful 81. Shes still very active and has great color. We changed some meds and amounts, And hope to see improvement when the cath comes.
After the visit we had lunch at the Rainbow Cafe. That place sure has a soft place in my heart for lunch.
We have faith what comes we will be able to handle by turning to the Lord. We're very full of hope and love things will come out fine.
Love Melynda
OH so sorry things are not going the way we would all like! Ky bug is in the same boat :0( we are going in for an echo in May to see how things are going and pray she is still a canidate also! Crazy how much these two are alike!!! Praying things go great!! I ♥ ♥ ♥ the rainbow cafe. Sorry about the car sickness ;0)
Wow! That is intense to hear those words! That is just crazy. Hopefully things will improve. Hang in there!
Ugh - I hope that the cath shows some good things. Seems like Misky should still be a baby! Keep us updated!
I will keep her in our prayers and hope that she is a canidate for the Fontan. Hugs from one heart mom to another.
She is def in our prayers, She is soo beautiful and grown up so big! I just updated my page today, Ive been so busy trying to get my oldest to Graduate from HS and this past weekend was her Prom, She got accepted into FIU in Miami, fl we are so proud. We will be saying more than one prayer a day for Mariska. Thank you for your continuing prayers for Liam and checking up on him.
Heart Hugs
Sarah and Liam hlhs 2½ years old
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