Mariska had her sedated ECHO on Wednesday all and all every thing went pretty well. The day started off by starving her before the visit. She ate when I woke her up in the night for her one last bottle so she wouldnt be grumpy until she could finally eat again.
She loves people so getting to see a ton of people at the hospital helped take her mind off of food. We did the normal weight and height. She's 29.5 inches long and 18.5 lbs. still tall and skinny, now shes started to fill out in more places other then her cute chubby cheeks.
We talked to the PA about the sedation, Misky had a choice of oral or two IV sedation meds. I was all for the oral. If you have to do one less poke I'm all for that. :) The only bad thing about the oral is it tastes HORRIBLE. The all should work for a few hours.
After misky was atached to all the wires and had her icky sedation med it we just waited and for it to start working. Misky was not happy with the poor PA who gave her the med, every time she came in the room she would start to cry like now what?
Misky was so funny. the med has the same effect as being drunk. The poor kid. She started to rock then started to make circles on my lap. Then she started to play Peek-a-boo with the ECHO tech. She had all four of us laughing. They let "her" watch tv until she started to get sleepy. The tech was changing the channel asking her if she like what was on. He got to Pirates of the Caribbean she got excited going OOHhhhh ohhohohohoh and clapping her hands. The closer she was to being asleep the more grumpy she became. It was neat to see her new pluming in her heart. That was the first time I've seen how much different it looks the her norwood heart. Blows my mind to think how it can even work with just half. Truly a miracle!
Once the ECHO was done and the cards we're happy with the picture, the nurse took her blood pressure in both arms when she got to the 2nd arm she woke up! It was like ok I'm done with my nap lets go play, and just as happy as any time when she wakes up. The nurse told us most likely we wont have to stay on the same day surgery floor for very long. :) Sam carried her up to the secound floor. as we were leaving to go up we passed her normal cardo nurse she thought misky was going to be sedated we said she was and boy was she shocked that misky was that awake right after. haha. Misky has always fought the sedation even when she was tiny. One the way up she was loopy and smiling more at every one then normal! once at the 2nd floor they told us since shes awake she just has to drink 4 oz before we can go. Misky was the life of the floor. ALL the nurses came over to see her cause she was being so silly. We gave her some watered down apple juice, witch she loved, as it was her first taste of juice. -later that day the juice was nothing 8 diapers couldnt fix. We had it in a sippy cup but ended up just poring some of it into her bottle. Which also helped water it down even more. She ended up drinking all 8oz! and had a little gram cracker. She was one hungary little girl.
After we checked out we went down to get her x-rays. She got to sit up in the big kid seat this time! She enjoyed that a lot better then having to be layed down on the cold table.
Then we went back to Cardio to talk with Dr. Williams. Dr. W called Dr. Pulver down from up stairs so we got to see both of them. They said the hicup or galup (just a noise) was still there. They didn't find any cause which is good and bad. He heart function is getting BETTER slowly deferentially not worst!!! Her Tricups valve is still leaking but not as much. Dr W used the word normal! I had to joke around with him on that one.
Her cards are still concerned about her heart. But where she looks great, is eating, and putting on weight they are happy over all. She is still a candidate for the Fontan (never really crossed my mind that we might not be...) We'll know more about time frame when we see them in 6 months!!
Baby Link Memory
Sometimes when a memory pops up, it's just too good to skip over. I love
this one from 2018 when Link was almost 15 months old. I love watching him
3 months ago